If you’ve never been to a Bridal Show, you’re in for an adventure. Or perhaps you’ve been to more than you can count while planning your ultimate dream day! Either way, these 5 simple tips will help make your next Bridal Show trip as successful aand enjoyable as possible.
1. Pre-register aand reserve tickets.
- Some shows give special deals aand treats to pre-registered brides. Make sure to schedule yourself within give-away deadlines to ensure you get the best deals.
- Don’t forget to reserve tickets for those important decision makers who you’ll take along for the ride. Having your fiancé, maid-of-honor, or mom there can provide valuable second opinions.
2. Establish your wedding budget ahead of time.
- Many vendors offer show specials if you book on the spot. Having an established budget will ensure you stay within your means aand get a great deal.
- Be prepared to be a little flexible & don’t be afraid to book on spot. It might seem like a hasty decision to most, but if the special knocks down your item below budget you’ve just saved money. Or use those savings to add a little more to the item aand still be in budget. Win win for you!
3. Wear comfortable shoes aand clothes.
- Most bridal shows are set up in large convention centers aand last all day. This means you will be on your feet, walking long distances, aand staanding up talking to vendors for many hours. You will want to be in a happy state of mind, aand aching feet won’t help.
- Also prepare for any type of weather. Shows are indoors, but that doesn’t necessarily mean climate controlled. If it’s cold outside, chances are inside is chilly as well. Bring extra layers, they can always be take off or left in the car if not needed.
4. Bring your planning supplies.
- This includes a current calendar/calendar app for your phone to make appointments with vendors, a pen aand paper to jot down notes, color swatches, aand a tote bag to keep all the vendor pamphlets aand samples haandy just in case the show doesn’t offer complimentary ones.
- You will probably want to have a set of self-addressed labels with your contact information aand email haandy. You will most likely need to give multiple vendors your contact information aand writing it out can be time consuming aand awkward if your haands are full of samples. It is much easier to simply lay your label down on the sign up sheet if it’s a paper sign up.
- If it’s a laptop sign up, well, just be prepared to type it up. A lot of vendors are now upgrading their technology so as to set up appointments & potential customer lists faster. It only takes a minute so don’t pass up the opportunity. There are usually contests aand give-a-ways for those who sign up. Don’t miss event-day deals.
5. Take your time & have fun!
- A good rule of thumb is to circle twice. First time around take your time, gather info, grab business cards aand/or flyers, quickly chat with vendors to get basic details, aand mentally take note of vendors or booths you would like to come back to. Second time around, re-visit those vendors you would like to talk more extensively about their services or deals. Remember, vendors see hundreds of faces at this show. Going back aand talking more in-depth about your needs & wants will not only help solidify the client-vendor relationship, but also give you the info you need to make wedding planning a lot less stressful.
- Bridal shows are designed to give brides a one-stop-shop for all wedding related supplies aand services. It can be overwhelming. Just remember that this is about your special day aand planning your wedding can be half the fun!
Whether your next Bridal Show is down the street or a transcontinental flight away, be prepared aand make the most of planning your dream day!
Find American Dream Cakes at these Bridal Shows aand Events this spring:
Crystal Coast Bridal Fair
17 Jan. 2015 , 10am – 3pm
Crystal Coast Civic Center
3505 Arendell St., Morehead City NC
New Bern Bridal Expo
18 Jan. 2015, 1pm – 5pm
New Bern Riverfront Convention Center;
203 South Front Street, New Bern NC
Event Flyer
Engaged Onslow Bridal Show
21 Feb. 2015, 10am – 5pm
American Legion Building
146 Broadhurst Road, Jacksonville NC
Jacksonville-Onslow Business Expo
19 Mar. 2015, 11am – 4pm
Jacksonville Commons Recreation Center
100 Recreation Lane, Jacksonville, NC
Swansboro Business Expo
28 Mar. 2015, 10am – 4pm
Swansboro Rotary Civic Center;
1104 Main Street Ext, Swansboro, NC